How to Sell a House With Cloudy Title in San Antonio

Liens, judgments, title issues, or encumbrances can cause a cloudy or defective title because it makes it difficult to discern the proper owner. In addition, a cloudy or defective title creates issues if you need to sell your home because most buyers use traditional lenders to attain a mortgage. When buyers qualify for a loan, … Continued

3 Reasons Why You Should Downsize Your House in San Antonio

There is a trend toward smaller homes for many reasons, including people having smaller families with less focus on owning things and more on personal development, travel, and outdoor activity. And as time passes, our needs change; if you’re using a small percentage of your home to live in, there is no longer a need … Continued

Why You Should Rethink Selling Your House to a San Antonio Investor

With a strong seller’s market, you may wonder why selling your home to a professional investor would make sense. Unfortunately, not all properties and not all situations allow for listing and selling a house on the San Antonio real estate market. When a traditional listing isn’t the right fit, you may seek another more convenient … Continued

5 Ways to Stop Foreclosure in Texas

Foreclosures are not a sudden event; there is a lot of warning before the lender implements the final procedure. Putting your head in the sand and hiding from your problems is the worst thing you could do regarding financial issues. Instead, it is always better to face your problems head-on and make the best choice … Continued

Selling Tips for Homeowners in San Antonio

The standard checklist for what buyers expect of a listing on the real estate market has evolved, and in many ways, technological advances have influenced these changes. As a result, the world of real estate has transformed. Therefore, it’s helpful to understand what buyers of today are seeking when scrolling through listings online. No matter … Continued

5 Things You Should Know About San Antonio FSBO Property Listings

FSBO property listings are one option for homeowners in San Antonio. “Let’s sell it ourselves and save all of those real estate agent commission fees for ourselves!” Sounds great, right? When it comes to FSBO listings for sale by owner, going it alone isn’t always the right move. The process of selling a home is … Continued

5 Tips for Selling Your Multi-Family Property in San Antonio

Unlike a private home, selling your multi-family property involves several people, depending on the number of units. Sellers must put a great deal of consideration into the transaction to ensure they aren’t crossing any legal lines regarding the laws, rules, and regulations of San Antonio by which multi-family property owners must abide. Failure to do … Continued